Monday, May 18, 2009

Starting to Blog

I have just started the blog here in New Hampshire. I am currently preparing for this field season, assembling equipment (e.g., digital recorder, ipods, batteries, battery chargers, audio recorders, bug repellent, clothes, etc.).

I am also analyzing data from the previous field seasons: Maine to Alberta in 2005, West Virginia to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in 2006, New Hampshire in 2007 and 2008. I will be presenting the results of this research at the upcoming 127th American Ornithologists' Union meeting at the University of Pennsylvania in August, 2009.

I am blogging primarily to show my students how a field biologist conducts field work. These experiences include the field work and its schedule, the documentation of field work, the birds and their environment and anything else you might run into while doing field work.

My field work has been generously supported by a Summer Research Grant from Saint Anselm College.